
The ministry of acolyte is one of the oldest ministries in the church.  The crucifer (acolyte captain) leads the way for the celebrant and others into the church at the beginning of the Holy Eucharist.  Acolytes accompany the deacon during the Gospel reading, and also assist the ushers in receiving the offerings of the people.  They also provide assistance to the celebrant in the washing of hands and ringing the Sanctus bell.  When the service is over, the crucifer, along with the other acolytes, leads the whole ministry from the sanctuary out of the church.  While doing all of this, they are also part of the people praying and responding and performing the liturgy of the mass.

Anyone who is at least 6 years old can join the acolyte team throughout the year.  We will train you in your responsibilities, as well as answer any questions that might arise as the year goes along!

Acolytes are asked to be at the vesting area at least 20 minutes before the service they are assisting in.  If you are not able to assist on your assigned week, please contact your beadle to let them know.  
